Saturday, November 15, 2008

புலிகளை இந்தியா காப்பாற்றாது

கனடாவில் டாக்டர் சுப்பிரமணிய சுவாமி

swamy-1கடந்த 11ம் திகதி செவ்வாய்க்கிழமை கனடா ஸ்காபுரோ நகரில் உள்ள சென்ரானியல் கல்லூரி மாணவர் அரங்கத்தில் கனேடியன் ஜனநாயக தமிழர் கலாச்சார அமைப்பினால் ஏற்பாடு செய்யப்பட்ட கூட்டத்திற்கு ஜனதா கட்சியின் தலைவரும் முன்னாள் இந்திய மத்திய சட்டத்துறை அமைச்சருமான டாக்டர் சுப்பிரமணி சுவாமி அவர்கள் “தெற்கு ஆசியர்களும் புலம் பெயர்வும்” என்ற தலைப்பில் உரையாற்றினார். இவரது உரை இலங்கை இனப்பிரச்சினை தொடர்பாக இந்தியாவின் நிலைப்பாட்டையும், ஐக்கிய இலங்கைக்குள் தமிழர்களுக்கு அரசியல் தீர்வையும் வலியுறுத்தியதாக இருந்தது. கிட்டத்தட்ட இரண்டு மணித்தியாலங்கள் தொடர்ந்து உரையாற்றினார். இக்கூட்டத்தில் தமிழ் சிங்கள ஜனநாய சக்திகள் புத்திஜீவிகள் எனப்பலரும் கலந்து கொண்டனர். டாக்டர் சுப்பிரமணிய சுவாமி அவர்களின் உரை அனைவரினதும் பாராட்டைப் பெற்றது.

மேலும் அவரது உரையில் இந்தியா ஒருபோதும் பிரிவினைக்கு ஆதரவு அளிக்காது எனவும், இந்தியா இலங்கையின் ஒற்றுமைப்பாட்டை மதிப்பதாகவும் இலங்கை அரசாங்கம் புலிகள் மீது மேற்கொள்ளும் இராணுவ நடவடிக்கையை நிறுத்தச்சொல்லி கேட்காது எனவும், காரணம் புலிகள் இயக்கம் ஒரு பயங்கரவாத இயக்கமாக இருப்பதால் இராணுவரீதியாகத்தான் பயங்கரவாதத்தை ஒழிக்கமுடியும் எனவும் கூறினார். புலிகள் இயக்கம் இனப்பிரச்சனைத்தீர்வுக்கு ஒத்துவரக்கூடியவர்களல்ல எனவும் அவர்கள்தான் இந்த இனப்பிரச்சனைக்கு காரணமானவர்கள் எனவும் கூறினார். அவர்கள் ஒரு போதும் ஒரு ஜனநாயக நிர்வாகத்திற்கு வரமாட்டார்கள் எனவும், புலிகளை ஏகப்பிரதிநிதிகளாக ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளாத தமிழ்த்தலைவர்களான அமிர்தலிங்கம், நீலன் திருச்செல்வம், திரு, திருமதி யோகேஸ்வரன் உட்பட பலர் கொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளனர். புலிகள் பல கட்சி ஜனநாயக முறையை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ள மாட்டார்கள் எனவும் இனப்பிரச்சனைக்கு தீர்வை அவர்களால் காண முடியாது எனவும் அதே நேரத்தில் இலங்னை அரசாங்கம் தமிழர்களுக்கு அரசியல் தீர்வை கட்டாயமாக வழங்க வேண்டி இருக்கிறது எனவும் கூறினார்.

பண்டா- செல்வா ஒப்பந்தம் முதல் கொண்டு இலங்கை - இந்திய ஒப்பந்தம் வரை சிறிலங்கா அரசுகள் நடைமுறைப்படுத்தாமல் முறித்துவிட்டன. இலங்கை - இந்திய ஒப்பந்தத்தை ஜெயவர்த்தனா நடைமுறைப்படுத்தாமல் அவரது கட்சியினர் புலிகளுக்கு ஆயுதத்தையும் பணத்தையும் கொடுத்து வடக்குகிழக்கிற்கான தமிழர் மாகாணத்தை செயல்படவிடாமலும் தடுத்தனர். ஆனால் முன்னர் உள்ள தலைவர்களைவிட ஜனாதிபதி மகிந்த ராஜபக்ச முன்மாதிரியான நடவடிக்கைகளை மேற்கொண்டு வருகிறார். கிழக்கு மாகாணத்திற்கு தமிழ் முதல் அமைச்சர் நியமிக்கப்பட்டாலும் அதற்குரிய அதிகாரங்கள் இன்னும் அதிகமாகத் தேவைப்படுகின்றது. கிழக்கு மாகாணம் தனது சொந்த அலுவல்களை கவனிக்ககூடியதாக அதிகாரம் இருக்கவேண்டும். சர்வகட்சி மாநாட்டின் (யுPசுஊ) தீர்வை அமுல்படுத்தும்படி இந்தியா இலங்கை அரசை கேட்டுள்ளது. அத்துடன் 13வது திருத்தச்சட்டத்தை அமுல்படுத்துவது நல்லதொரு ஆரம்பமாக அமையும். இவற்றை அமுல்படுத்தாவிட்டால் சிறிலங்கா அரசை தமிழ் மக்கள் நம்ப மாட்டார்கள். மேல் சொன்னவற்றை அமுல்படுத்தினால் புலிகளை தமிழ் மக்களின் ஆதரவுடன் இலகுவில் வெற்றிகொள்ளலாம். சிங்கள மக்கள் இந்த தீர்வுப்பொதியைப்பற்றி பயப்படத் தேவையில்லை. காரணம் மத்திய அரசின் கட்டுப்பாட்டை மீறினால் அந்த சபைகளை கலைத்துவிடும் அதிகாரம் 356 சட்டப்பிரிவின் கீழ் மத்திய அரசிற்கு இருக்கிறது. 1991 ஆம் ஆண்டு சட்ட அமைச்சராக நான் இருந்த போது தமிழ்நாடு அரசை கலைக்க வேண்டி வந்த காரணம் இ;ந்தியாவின் விருப்பத்திற்கு மாறாக முதல் அமைச்சர் கருணாநிதி புலிகளுடன் தொடர்பை ஏற்படுத்தி தகவல்களையும் புலிகளுக்கு வழங்கி வந்தார்.

இந்திய மக்கள் அனைவரும் பிரபாகரனை நீதிக்குமுன் நிறுத்த வேண்டும் என்று விரும்புகிறார்கள். பிரபாகரன் இந்திய மண்ணில் வைத்து எமது இளம் தலைவரான இந்திய பிரதமர் ரஜீவ் காந்தியை படுகொலை செய்தார். அத்துடன் இந்தியாவில் உள்ள பயங்கரவாத இயக்கங்களுக்கு நிதி உதவி செய்துள்ளார். இந்தியாவில் எவரும் புலிகளுக்கு ஆதரவு கொடுக்கமாட்டார்கள். தமிழ் நாட்டிலுள்ள சில கட்சிகள் கூட புலிகளை பகிரங்கமாக ஆதரிப்பதாக சொல்ல மாட்டார்கள். அவர்கள் இலங்கை தமிழர்களுக்காக குரல் கொடுப்பதாகவே கூறுகிறார்கள். புலம் பெயர் தமிழர்கள் தமிழ் நாட்டு மக்கள் புலிகளை ஆதரிக்கிறார்கள் என்று எண்ணிவிட வேண்டாம். புலிகளுக்கு ஆதரவான சில குழுக்கள் பெரிதாக சத்தம் போடுகிறார்கள் அவ்வளவுதான்.

இலங்கை மேற்கத்தைய நாடுகளுடன் ஒப்பிடக்கூடிய வாழ்க்கைத் தராதரத்தை கொண்டுள்ளது. இந்த யுத்தம் இல்லாவிட்டால் உலகில் முதன்மையான நாடுகளில் ஒன்றாக இலங்கையும் இருக்கும். பல இந்தியர்கள் இலங்கைக்கு வர விரும்புகிறார்கள். காரணம் இராமாயணத்தில் சொல்லப்பட்ட 37 இடங்கள் இலங்கையிலேயே உள்ளது. இலங்கைக்கு உல்லாச பயணம் மேற்கொள்வதற்கு தன்னிடம் பல இந்துக்கள் கேட்டுக்கொண்டிருக்கிறார்கள் எனக்கூறி தனது பேச்சை முடித்துக்கொண்டார்.

அடுத்ததாக கேள்வி கேட்க யாரும் விரும்பினால் கேட்கலாம் என டாக்டர் சுவாமி அவர்கள் கூட்டத்திலுள்ளவர்களை பார்த்து கேட்டார். அப்போது ஒருவர் இலங்கையில் இனப்படுகொலை நடக்கிறது அதற்கு என்ன சொல்லுகிறீர்கள் என வினா எழுப்பினார். அதற்கு பதிலளித்த டாக்டர் அவர்கள் இலங்கையில்; இனப்படுகொலை நடக்கிறது என்பதை நான் முற்றாக மறுக்கிறேன் என்றார். அதில் உண்மையில்லை. ஜக்கிய நாடுகள் சபையின் மனித உரிமைகள் சம்பந்தமான அகராதியிலுள்ள வரைவிலக்கினத்தின்படி இனப்படுகொலை என்பது திட்டமிட்டு படுகொலை செய்வது. இலங்கையில் திட்டமிட்டு தமிழர்கள் படுகொலை செய்யப்படவில்லை. அப்பாவி மக்கள் ஒரு யுத்த சூழலில் கொல்லப்படுவது வழமைதான். காஸ்மீரிலும் அப்பாவி மக்கள் யுத்தத்திற்குள்; அகப்பட்டு கொல்லப்படுகிறார்கள். இப்படியான சம்பவங்களை உரிய அதிகாரிகளின் கவனத்திற்கு கொண்டு வந்து தவிர்த்துக்கொள்ளலாம்;. இந்தியாவிலுள்ள இரண்டு பெரிய மனித உரிமை அமைப்புக்களை இலங்கைக்கு சென்று இனப்படுகொலை நடக்கிறதா என்பதை அறிந்து வரும்படி அவர்களிடம் கேட்டேன். அதற்கு அவர்கள் கூறினார்கள் நாங்கள் அங்கு போகத்தேவையில்லை அங்கு திட்டமிட்ட இனப்படு கொலை நடக்கவில்லை என்றார்கள். போர் சூழலில் இப்படியான சில சம்பவங்கள் நடைபெறுகின்றது என பதில் அளித்தார்.

இன்னொருவர் புலி உறுப்பினரான கருணா எப்படி அரசாங்கத்தில் அங்கம் வகிக்கமுடியும் என வினாவினார். டாக்டர் பதில் கூறுகையில் புலிகள் இயக்கம் இலங்கை அரசியல் நிர்வாகத்தில் பங்குகொள்ளமாட்டார்கள் ஆனால் அந்த இயக்கத்தில் உள்ளவர்கள் புலிகள் இயக்கம் பிழையான பாதையில் செல்வதால் அதை விட்டு விலகி வருவார்களேயானால் அவர்கள் மன்னிக்கப்பட்டு ஜனநாயக நீரோட்டத்தில் இணைய முடியும். அவர்களுக்கு ஒரு சந்தர்ப்பத்தை கொடுத்து இந்தப்பாதையில் உண்மையாகவே இணைந்துள்ளனரா என்பதை கண்காணிப்பு செய்து அவர்களை மேலும் ஊக்குவிக்க முடியும். ஏன் இந்தியாவில் கூட ஒரு பயங்கரவாத இயக்கத்தலைவர்;, ஒரு அரசியல்கைதி என இருவர் ஜனநாயக பாதைக்கு திரும்பி மாநில முதலமைச்;சர்கள் ஆக உள்ளனர் எனப்பதில் அளித்தார்

இந்தியா பழி வாங்கும் நோக்குடனா இப்போ தமிழருக்கு உதவி செய்ய மறுக்கிறது என்று கேட்டதற்கு. அப்படியல்ல, எந்தவொரு வெளிநாட்டு பயங்கரவாத இயக்கமும் வந்த எம்முடைய மண்ணில் வைத்து இந்திய அரசின் ஒப்பந்தத்தை நிறைவேற்றியதற்காக அந்நாட்டின் தலைவரை கொன்றுவிட்டு தப்பித்துக்கொள்ள முடியாது என்பதில் இந்தியாவும் இந்திய மக்களும் உறுதியாக உள்ளனர் என்றார்.

இன்னொரு கேள்விக்கு பதிலளிக்கையில் இந்தியா இலங்கையில் இருந்து அகதிகள் வருவதை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளாது. இதனால் எமக்கு பெரிய நெருக்கடி ஏற்படுகின்றது. இலங்கை பிரச்சனையில் தலையிட வேண்டிய தேவை ஏற்படுகின்றது. இலங்கை அரசு அரசியல் தீர்வை அழுல்படுத்தகிறதா என்பதை உன்னிப்பாக அவதானித்துக் கொண்டு வருகிறார்கள். இல்லாவிட்டால் சில அழுத்தங்களை இலங்கை அரசிற்கு கொடுப்போம் என்றார்.

கடைசியாக டாக்டர் சுவாமி; புலம் பெயர் ஜனநாயக சக்திகள் இலங்கையில் உண்மையில் என்ன நடக்கின்றது என்பதை சக புலம் பெயர் தமிழர்களுக்கு தெரியப்படுத்த வேண்டும். இப்போது புலிகளுக்கு நாட்கள் எண்ணப்பட்டுக்; கொண்டிருக்கின்றன. எந்த ஒரு நாடும் புலிகளை ஆதரிக்கமாட்டார்கள். நோர்வே கூட இப்போ மௌனமாக இருக்கின்றது. வன்னிப்பயணங்கள் இல்லை. பல நாடுகளுக்கு சென்று இருக்கிறேன் குறிப்பாக அமெரிக்கா, சீனா, இஸ்ரேல், பிரிட்டன். இவர்கள் எல்லாம் புலிகளின் பயங்கரவாதத்தை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளவில்லை. புலிகள் வெளிநாட்டு மண்ணில் ஒரு பிரதமரை கொலை செய்த பயங்கரவாதிகள். வெளி நாட்டு மண்ணில் பல பத்திதிரிகையாளர்களை தாக்கியிருக்கிறார்கள். எனவே இவர்களின் செயற்பாடுகளின் மூலமே இவர்கள் பயங்கரவாதிகள் என அம்பலமாகிவிட்டார்கள். எனவே மனித நேயமுள்ள எவரும் தாம் புலிகளை ஆதரிப்பதாக கூறமாடார்கள். புலம் பெயர் ஜனநாயவாதிகள் புலிகளுக்கு எதிராக குரல் கொடுத்து ஏனைய தமிழர்களுக்கும் உண்மை நிலைமையை விளக்கி புலிப்பயங்கரவாதத்தை தோற்கடிக்க வேண்டும் எனக்கூறி விடைபெற்றார்.

இறுதியாக கனேடியன் ஜனநாயக தமிழர் கலாச்சார அமைப்பின் செயலாளர் நன்றியுரை கூறியதுடன் கூட்டம் முடிவடைந்தது.

The effects of casteistic politics

The DK and the DMK never failed to bad mouth the Brahmins and accused them of being the originators of casteism in India. The fact is that caste is equated with varna and thus the Brahmins have been taken to task and marginalised in this state of Tamilnadu. The caste proliferation took place under the British colonialists and perpetuated by the secularist beneficiaries of colonialism who assumed power when the Brits left India.

Today the Brahmins are insignificant minority in Tamilnadu and are marginalized and powerless. The anti-caste Dravidian outfits have ruled the roost for almost six decades yet we have caste wars taking place in Tamilnadu with increasing frequency. Has anyone asked these stalwarts of casteless society as to how this could happen?

The fact of the matter is that instead of treating people equal before law, the constitution has, in the name of pro-activism, has perpetrated caste divisions and caste wars. The best way to deal with this situation is to do away with reservations and bring about equality of all citizens. If anyone is going to argue that the Brahmins have caused it for thousands of years and therefore that there should be no equality provisions for thousands of years then such people must be banned from politics.

Here is the news item that triggered my thoughts:

‘We had to be violent’|UJc=&SectionID=lifojHIWDUU=&MainSectionID=wIcBMLGbUJI=&SectionName=rSY|6QYp3kQ=&SEO=
Dhanya Matsa
First Published : 15 Nov 2008 06:56:00 AM IST
Last Updated : 15 Nov 2008 10:09:21 AM IST

CHENNAI": “We were just like any other student when we entered the portals of the law college. If students of New College or Loyola are not conscious of their caste and we are, you (media) should examine the reasons rather than point a finger against caste Hindus when it com es to a Dalit issue. Do you think our parents injected caste feelings into our blood?” It was a final year student, Ashwathaman, venting his feelings when asked why students of Dr Ambedkar Government Law College were divided on caste lines.

Candid about the fact that everyone was aware of everyone’s caste identity, students of a caste Hindu community said the first thing they were asked as soon as they entered the college on the first day was: “What is your caste?” Ragging was based on caste. “The ragging I endured in their hands cannot be put on print and homosexual assault was the least of our worries,’’ said Satish, a final year student.

Vehemently opposing being termed as a caste Hindu, Muthukoo dalingam, a final year student, said: “Yes, we are Thevars. There are also Vanniyars, Yadavas, Nadars and Naidus among others castes and a large number of Christians and even Muslims. We are all united against the violence they perpetrate on us. Just because the college is named after Dr Ambedkar does not mean that they run the college or can get away with several acts of violence.” Asked why they omitted ‘Dr Ambedkar’ from the name of the college in the posters, Muthukoodalingam said Dalit students beat him up last year, when he was an organiser of ‘Thevar Jeyanthi’ celebrations in the college, for printing the name. “This year, they created problems becase we left out the name.” Other students contradicted him. Even last year, ‘Dr Ambedkar’ was omitted but the clash that broke out was not publicised.

Caste Hindu students said the attack on non-SC students in the hostel last year landed 30 of them in hospital with injuries and forced students to seek transfer to other colleges. Now, the hostel was completely for Dalits.

“We had to be violent as the college authorities turned a blind eye to our problems. Nobody wanted to be branded as anti-Dalits. Proof of which is that no action has been taken by the college against erring students in the last many years. If the college principal had taken steps three years ago, then the violence would have not escalated to such levels,” says Ashwathaman.

Saint Thomas Legend and Indian Christianity

An enquiry into the colonial and missionary interest.

Prof. C. I. Issac

An historical narrative of Indian Christianity would not be complete without the study of Christianity in Kerala. Christianity is believed to have reached the shores of Kerala in the first century of Common Era [C.E.], though this is not supported by documentary or authentic evidence. The emergence and spread of Christianity in Kerala is shrouded in such myths and legends. Kerala’s Christian past is essentially pivoting on the stories popularized by the Church on the fragile foundations of theology and belief. Therefore, historians encountered many problems in deconstructing its past. First is the question of the arrival of Saint [St.] Thomas and subsequent conversion of Hindu aristocracy [particularly the Namboothiris] to Christianity. Second is the date of the origin of Christianity in Kerala. Third one is the European interest behind popularization of generating aristocratic [savarna] feeling among the native Christians. Finally, how far these missionary activities mutilated the national life?

The centre of the pre-colonial phase of history is the question of savarna origin of Kerala Christianity and the role of Thomas, a disciple of Jesus. This savarna origin theory of Indian Christianity was firstly constructed and popularized in Kerala by Fringies [Portuguese Catholic Missionaries] in the sixteenth century for the fulfillment of their colonial ends1. It is true that before the arrival of Europeans in India, a nominal Christian presence was seen only in the Travancore and Cochin regions of Kerala. The antagonism that was generated amongst the Christians and Muslims due to the Crusades of 11th, 12th and 13th centuries prevented Christian proselytism enterprises from planting their roots in the Malabar region where Muslims got roots quite earlier. It is only during the British period that the Christian society came into being in the Malabar region. It is true that the Christians in Travancore and Cochin regions were only a marginal community confined to a few port towns before the arrival of Europeans. For that reason during this period the churches in Kerala were very few in numbers and could be counted on fingers. Hence, since the arrival of Portuguese till the early decades of the nineteenth century here in Kerala there were only less than three hundred Christian churches of all the denominations2. According to Ward and Conner, even after two centuries of the birth of Christianity, the number of Christians on the Malabar Coast shrank to eight families. The Christian population altogether in Travancore and Cochin during the early decades of the 19th century CE was 35,000 with 55 churches3. Thus the native Church’s claim of the story of St. Thomas and the early origins of Indian Christianity is not a universally accepted fact. In the year 1952 CE, the native Catholic Church approached the Papacy in Rome for Pontifical approval to celebrate 1900th year of proselytism of Kerala since the arrival of St. Thomas on its shores. The Papacy declined the request of the Kerala Catholics on the ground that the claim has no historicity. In spite of this denial, the Savarna Catholics, the Syrian descendants of those said to have received baptism from disciple Thomas, celebrated the 19th centenary of the arrival of Thomas with much pomp.

Behind the building of such a story of apostolic and savarna origin of Indian Christianity there was a willful plan of destabilizing the foundations of Hinduism through the conversion of higher castes of India. It means the total conversion of Hindus. Robert de’ Nobili, [hailing from Montepulciano, Tuscany, Italy]4 was the brain behind the savarna origin theory of the early Indian [Kerala] Church. It was the part of his ambitious programme of converting the Brahmins to Christianity. Because of his zeal to convert the Hindu aristocracy to Christianity; he adopted their mode of life, mastered in Sanskrit and so had to cut himself off completely from intercourse with his fellow missionaries. He worked in Madurai, Mysore, and the Carnatic till old age and almost complete blindness compelled him to retire to Mylapore5. Through him the cultivation of savarna feeling amongst then wealthy sections of the Christian faith started. A section of the Church en-cashed this new feeling for their missionary ends. His labour in this direction may further encouraged building the story of Thomas’ christening of the Namboothiris of Kerala. Another derogatory step that follows from the missionary interest in India is the recasting of the traditional Hindu symbols to suit the Church’s purpose of conversion. The pioneer in this line was Robert De Nobili, an early seventeenth century Catholic Missionary of India, who lived in the attire of a Hindu hermit and established a monastery in Madurai to convert Brahmins. He attempted to place Christianity within the Vedic tradition which would appeal to the upper jatis. The old Nobilian legacy is still continuing. 6.

. The only historical record pertaining to the arrival of Saint Thomas is the book ‘The Acts of Thomas’. But this book does not mention the Malabar Coast. “Acts of Saint Thomas is a historical romance written in Syriac towards the end of second or by the beginning of third centuries.”7 In the history of social formations of ancient Kerala, it is interesting to see that up to the fourth century CE this land was occupied by the pre-Vedic settlements only8. So Nambootiri as a Hindu jati was seen only after the fourth century of CE. The Terisapalli [St. Theresa Church] Copper Plate Grant [Terisapalli Cheppedu] executed in 849 CE by Ayyan Atikal Tiruvatikal of Venadu during the reign of Emperor Sthanu Ravi (844-855) is the available oldest historical documentation linking Christianity to Kerala. But this grant was obtained by the foreign Christian merchants9. The first Christians of the Kerala may be the merchant community hailing from the new faith who settled here temporarily or permanently for business purposes. The Persian Christian migration was the prime reason of the growth of Christianity in Kerala. In addition to it the threat posed by the religion of Islam in the Persian region since 7th century CE onwards through its Christian persecution caused the influx of Christian refugees to this land, supplemented to the Christian population of Kerala. Even after the Persian Christian migration the Christian population remained here as a marginal group/jati in this tiny region until the European occupation of this land. Several travelers’ accounts and British documents are referring to the emaciated conditions of the native Christianity. Only after the indiscriminate conversion of native jatis from sixteenth century CE onwards by the European Christian missionary bands resulted in the enhancement of the Christian population of Kerala to the present level10. Further more G. T. Mackenzie observes, Christians prior to the arrival of Portuguese, did not form the part of Travancore aristocracy. Pope Nicolas IV sent Monte Corvino, a missionary to convert India and China and he wrote to pope in 1306 that “There are very few Christians and Jews [in India] and they are of little weight”.11. Thus the earliest migrant Christian population was numerically a negligible section. The natives regarded Christianity as another path, as well as an upasana system12. Therefore it functioned here as an offshoot of Hinduism till the arrival of Portuguese. Even the names of the Christians were Hindu.13

After the arrival of the Portuguese, a large-scale aggressive proselytizing movement started in Kerala under the stewardship of a padre called Francis Xavier. His eight-year stay in South India changed the entire course of its history. In a short period, he was able to enhance the numerical strength of Kerala’s Christian population. He was no different from Mohammed Ghazini or Aurangazeb in the space of proselytizing enterprise. Francis Xavier was the man solely responsible for the establishment of the Inquisition Court in Goa in 1560, under which Hindu women were raped and burnt alive and Hindu temples were demolished14. The wrath of the Catholic Church that was started with Francis Xavier in Goa did not spare even innocent children of Hindu origin. This notorious religious court functioned in Goa till 1812. Francis Xavier once remarked, “I told the new Christians to demolish the shrines of the idols and saw to it that they crushed the images into dust. I could not express to you the consolation it gave me to watch the idols being destroyed by the very hands of those who so recently used to worship them”15. No doubt Francis Xavier was a mentally debased bigot. Thus the history of temple annihilation in Kerala starts with Francis Xavier in Travancore-Cochin. The first prey was the temple at Thevalakkara in Quilon district and Palluruthi near Cochin16. Another church demolished by the Christian fanaticism during the said period was the Church at Palayoor near Guruvayoor. Until the day of the collapse of the disputed structure at Ayodhya, the Palayoor Church authorities kept a board in front of the church which reads: “The church was constructed by St. Thomas after demolishing a temple”. [Now the board has been removed]. The last one of such demolitions took place in 1950, by setting fire to the famous Sastha Temple at Sabrimalai. In the Malabar region it continued unabatedly until the resistance movement organized in 1969 under the organizational umbrella of Kshetra Smrakshna Samiti by the renowned freedom fighter K. Kelappan [Kelappajee]. De Souza, the Portuguese governor, made a futile attempt to plunder the shrine at Thiruppathi is also to be remembered in this context. The Portuguese did not spare the Muslims of Malabar. The Sixteenth Century Muslim Arabic scholar of Kerala [Ponnani], Shaik Zainuddin, in his work Tuhafat-ul-Mujahiddin, mentions their plunder and destruction of mosques. They did not spare the Kerala’s Jews either: to escape the Portuguese persecution, in 1565 the Jews of Crangannoor escaped to places of Hindu dominancy such as Paravoor, Mala, Chennamangalam, Ernakulam, etc.

It is important to consider the information available from the work of C. M. Augur, an English Missionary cum the Resident of Travancore, to pencil in a correct picture of the Christian intolerance from the days of Padre Francis Xavier. According to Augur in 1816 C.E there were, in the Travancore State [now the part of Kerala], 19,524 temples and 301 churches for all denominations. But in 1891, that is after 76 years, the number of temples had come down to 9,364 and the number of churches had burgeoned to 1,116. [17]. It really a testimony to understand the depth and extent of extermination of Hindu culture during the colonial phase. While the Portuguese used force to the spread of the ‘faith’ British moved with education and legislation. The British insisted several native kings to nationalize rich temples in order to enhance their revenue. This resulted in the withering away [mercy killing] of several temples having less income which was once supported by the nationalized temples.

In the place of every demolished temples churches were sprang up. One such famous church was established in 1938 was at Malayattoor, near Adi Sankara’s birthplace. It was earlier a Siva temple. The revenue records of the old princely state of Travancore admit this fact. The temple was known to the locality as “Kurinchimudi Temple” [hill peak temple]. After the Christian occupation the name of the place was slightly changed to “Kurissumudi” [Mount of cross]. During the Sangam period the entire South India was topographically divided into five regions. The regions contained hills and mountains were called “Kurinchi“. Really the temple name was associated with its topography was conveniently changed with the ’sign of faith’ by the Christians after their occupation of the temple site. Considering the geographical area, the number of the temples set ablaze or knocked down in Travancore was proportionately much higher than that of temples demolished by the Muslim rulers of Northern India.

The Portuguese’s over enthusiasm to generate a Christian population in India was not born out of their ecclesiastical interest but of their political ends. It is very clear from their Latin American experiences. To generate a section that supports their political interest in India was the need. Hence the early Christians of Kerala fell in their trap. Earlier they supported them and later clashed with them. Their objectives well reflected in the subsequent disguised reform measures.

1. It is to create the way smooth for the establishment of Portuguese domination over Hindustan.

2. To establish Roman ecclesiastical authority over Kerala’s Christianity;

3. To destroy all its Hindu practices, rituals and traditions that were retained by the native Christians;

4. To extend the Latin Christendom to the soil of the Hindus.

All this intended to de-Hinduize the Malabar [Kerala] Christianity resulted in the Synod of Damper [Udayamperoor], 1559, and it was the graveyard of Syrian Christian Hindu morphology18. Thus the native Christian community reacted against their villainous designs and it resulted in the Oath of Coonan Cross”19. It was a delayed response so it didn’t produced any desired results.

During the British period missionaries followed the policy of education and modernization of the natives. Missionaries and indologists together popularized the notion of ‘modernity’ and presented colonialism as the synonym of modernity. It was in the light of the history of this land. They realized the fact that to proselytize a Hindu is a quiet difficult task. To the Hindu, “every religion is a path that leads to God-realization. There is only one God which is called by various names and which is attainable to genuine seeker by sincerely following his own path. All the Hindu scriptures have upheld this view”.20. That is why to a Hindu the question of conversion is immaterial. The obsessive eyes of the English missionaries were always in search of the weaker aspects of the targeted society and people. This is an observable fact that operates from the first century to the present day with some morphological difference only.

On the other hand it is easy to make a Hindu a non-committed Hindu through his schooling. Missionary enterprises through ages moved in this direction. Educational vision of the missionaries in pagan lands not only confined to modernization of its social fabric but to “get acquainted with the person of Jesus Christ and His Gospel” by the youths outside the Christian faith21. This is nothing different from the ‘Pauline’ strategy of the first century that successfully experimented in Athens. It can be made clearer by quoting St. Paul, “For I walked through your city and looked at the places where you worship, I found an altar on which is written, ‘To an Unknown God’. That, which you worship, then, even though you do not know it, is what I now proclaim to you”22.

The colonial and subsequent missionary activities are not finishing with mere change of faith but its far reaching consequences are still confronting by the Hindu populations particularly of Kerala and North Western regions. No doubt, the history teaches that any small change in the demographic pattern will be a threat to the national integrity. The number of Muslim population in India in 1901 was 2,91,02,000, but thereafter in 1941 this population got a growth of 68.24 percent and reached it at 4,26,45,000. So they demanded an exclusive state for the Muslims. In 1940s Muslims has only 13.38 percent share in the Indian population but it established that it was sufficient to demand a separate state for them. Regions like the Northeast secured an upper hand to the Christian population in the 1960s [1961 Christian population: 52.97 % & in 2001: 85%], hence demands their severance. Like wise any slight regional imbalance due to the changes in the religious equilibrium will endanger the nation.

Before the political and economic strength of the organized religions of Kerala the divided Hindu is subjected to the extinction syndrome. Even though Hindus are numerically predominant, the vote bank politics kick them out of the political processes of Kerala. Religious minorities vote is very decisive to all political parties of the state and are very particular to sacrifice the Hindu interest before the religious minorities vested interest. From much applauded land reforms to the educational reforms the Hindu interest were sabotaged. Now the 55 percent of the Hindus population of Kerala controls 11.11 % of the total bank deposits. On the other hand 19 % Christian community commands 33.33% and 25% Muslim population retain 55.55 percent.

Non Resident Keralite [NRK] remittances as well as the income from commercial crops cultivation are the main source of the income of the state. The number of the NRKs during the period 2005-06 was 3, 65,293. Of which, the 82.5% are in the Gulf countries. Of the total Gulf country workforce during the reported period, 49.5% were Muslims and 31.5% were Christians. The Hindu share in this sector is only 19% only23. 60.5% of the total NRK remittance is the contribution of the minority communities24. Again the total NRK remittance is 184.65 billion rupees and it is equivalent to seven times of the state government receipts as centre budgetary support or fifteen times of the earning from the cashew export or nineteen times of the states marine export. The annual average remittance per house hold is also shown wide imbalances. A Marthomma Christian share is Rs.26, 098/-, a Muslim is Rs.24, 000/-, a Hindu is Rs.6, 134/- and a Hindu SC is Rs725/ [25]. On the other hand the average land holding of a Christian family of Kerala is 126.4 cents and of Hindus and Muslims are 69.1 and 77.1 cents respectively26.

In the industrial sector 30% and 35% are under the control of the Muslims and Christians respectively. In the agriculture sector Muslims holds 23% and the Christians hold is 40%. The trade and commerce sector Muslims and Christians correspondingly holds 40% and 36%. Conversely the whole jatis of Hindu’s hold in the segments such as industrial is 28%, in agriculture is 24%, and trade-commerce is 22%. Don’t forget the fact that certain weakest Hindu jatis shares in the above sectors may be zero27. The Hindu population of Kerala as per the 2001 census is 56.2%. Of them 5.5% are farmers and 18.3% are farm labours. The Muslim population as per the latest census is 24.7% and among them 6.1% is farmers, 11.8% is farm labourers and one among the three families has an overseas employed person. The 19.1% Christians are the most blessed and 12.8% of them are farmers and 11.2% agricultural labourers. The numbers of BPLs are too high in Hindu jatis. It is 39.3 lakhs amongst the Hindus. On the other hand it is 24.7 lakhs and 8.2 lakhs respectively amongst the Muslims and Christians28.

Before the growing strength of Semitic religions the Hindu identity itself is in danger at certain parts of the country. This situation further advances to several new states by taking advantage of the changed political situation of India. Under the shield of certain constitutional rights the minority religions labouring to enhance its numerical strength by ignoring the fact that all other sections has the right to protect their religions, faith and cultural identity. If this trend continues unabatedly for another half a century the Hindu nation may shrink to be a concept of the past.

End notes

1. V. Balakrishnan, History of Syrian Christians of Kerala, Trissur, 1999, pp 75, 76

2. C. M. Augur, The Church History of Travancore, 1902, Kottayam, pp 7, 8, 9.

3 Ward [Lieut.] and Connor, The Survey of Travancore and Cochin States, Trivandrum, 1863, pp 146, 147

4. Catholic Encyclopedia on CD-ROM,

5. Ibid

6 Titus George, Why must it be Vedic identity? The New Indian Express, Kochi, 25 September 2000.

7. The date of the journey of Saint Thomas is not mentioned in this book. The book tells us that Thomas started from Jerusalem spent a few time in Syria and reached Afghanistan. Its ruler was Gondophernes. Thomas converted the ruler and his brother. Thereafter his journey was to Mazda where there he became martyr. See The Saint Thomas Christian Encyclopedia of India, Vol. 2, Trissur, 1973, p 3. Three fragments of the Gospel of Thomas in Greek, dated about 200 CE, were found in Oxyrhyncnus, Egypt, at about the turn of the last century and a full text in Coptic, dated 350 CE, was found near Nag Hammadi, Egypt. See New Theories in Bible Research, John Dart, Indian Express, dated 9th April 1978.

8 P. K. Gopalakrishnan, Kerala Samskarika Caritram, 1991, Trivandrum, pp 206 –211

9. This Copper Plate contains a land grant to Christian community of Quilon for the construction of Teresa Church. A. Sreedharamenon, Survey of Kerala History, Kottayam, 1970, p100.

10. C. M. Agur, Church History of Travancore, Kottayam, 1902, pp 7-9

11. G.T. Mackenzine, Christianity in Travancore, Trivandrum, 1901, p 8

12.P.K.Balakrishnan, Jati Vyavstituoum Kerala Charitravoum, Kottayam, 1983,

p 345 ff

13. See Thazhakadu Church Inscription of Chera King Rajasimha, [1028-1043 C.E]

14.Kanayalal. M.Talreja, Holy Vedas and Holy Bible, New Delhi, 2000, p 170.

15. Francis Xavier in a letter to the Church authorities in Portugal explains his joy and consolation while Hindu idols were destroyed. See V. Balakrishnan, op cit, p 105 & Kanayalal M. Talrej, op cit, p 18.

16.T. K. Velupillai, The Travancore State Manual, Vol. II, [1940] Trivandrum, rpt. 1996, pp 174,175 & A. Sreedharamenon, op cit, pp 228, 229.

17. C. M. Augur, Church History of Travancore, Kottayam, 1902, pp 7, 8, 9.

18. P. Cheriyan, op cit, p 68 & Missionary Register from 1818 to 1817, pp 101-115

19. It is because of the pull caused through the coir rope the Cross curved down. In Malayalam Coonan mean curved or bent. The meaning is “Oath of Bent Cross”.

20. Rg Vedic messages of “eakam sat vipra bahutavatanthi” the centre of Hindu religious approach. See, P. Parameswaran, Hindutva Ideology – Unique and Universal, Chennai, 2000, p 7.

21. “Education is an integral part of our mission to proclaim the Good News to every creature”. See C.M.I Vision of Education, [A policy statement published by Carmelite of Mary Immaculate] Cochin, 1991, pp 1, 6.

22. Paul, the Apostle of Christ, The Acts of the Apostles, New Testament, Chapter XVII, Aphorism: 22.

23. See Economic Times, 19 May 2003

24. See K.C. Zachariah & others, Study, report published in ‘The new Indian Express’, Kochi, 22 July 2003.

25. K. C. Zachria & S. Irudayarajan, CDS Study, New Indian Express, Kochi, 16th July 2004

26. Kerala Padanam, Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad, Kozhikode, 2006, p 54. [Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad is a Marxist party organization.].

27. K. C. Zachariah, CDS Study, report: The New Indian Express, Cochin, 16th July 2004.

28. Kerala Padanam, op cit, p 54

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Karunanidhi criticises Hindu practice of sporting 'tilaks'

First Published : 05 Nov 2008 11:59:00 PM IST

CHENNAI: Flaying the Hindu practice of smearing ash or saffron or sporting a 'tilak' on the forehead for yet another time, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi on Wednesday questioned the need for "such things in a country which preached equality of all religions."
Karunanidhi also questioned the rationale behind Brahmins wearing sacred thread. "What is the need for these things in a country that has accepted all religions and preached equality of the same," he asked in a poem penned by him in the wake of caste-related violence in Madurai yesterday in which one person was killed in police firing.

He had on earlier occasions also ridiculed the practice of smearing ash or saffron on the forehead.
The DMK chief had made similar remarks on certain other Hindu customs earlier and described Hindus as "robbers". But later he clarified that he meant Hindus were robbers "who stole hearts".

In the height of the Sethusamudram controversy, he had described Lord Ram as a "drunkard" and wondered whether he was a qualified engineer to have built the Ramasethu.

In the poem, Karunanidhi described truth as God, adding that all people were equal before God and described as "ignorance" those who were not aware of it.

"Caste differences are the offshoot of the branches called differences based on religion... lets chop off not only the branches but also uproot the tree to witness the emergence of a beautiful concept called equality," he said.

He also described as useless the face-off between believers and non-believers on the concept of God and said there was no point fighting over which faith was supreme.

46 comments on this story. Read them at,+Karunanidhi&SectionName=EL7znOtxBM3qzgMyXZKtxw==

Monday, November 3, 2008

MK in a bind on Lankan Tamils

Express News Service

First Published : 03 Nov 2008 03:16:00 AM IST
Last Updated :

CHENNAI: DMK president and Chief Minister M Karunanidhi has been literally caught in a catch-22 situation, being unable to antagonise the Congress, the only ally in Tamil Nadu, and being forced to do a tightrope walk on the Sri Lankan Tamils issue, by renewing his call for unity among all parties.

The only weapon which comes handy to Karunanidhi now is the ‘unity mantra’, which he has been chanting time and again, ever since the Lankan Tamils issue took a serious turn in the recent past.

But the unity mantra has, in a way,united the entire opposition on one agenda: to criticise the DMK on the Tamils issue.

Despite the Centre’s diplomatic moves on the issue after the all-party meeting on October 14, the main demand for a ceasefire is yet to be realised and the truth is that the DMK can’t criticise the Union Government.

The PMK criticised the DMK leadership for the inaction on the issue, while the CPI, which gave a fresh momentum to the Lankan Tamils issue in the current situation, is also posing pertinent questions to the ruling DMK.

J Jayalalithaa, leader of the main opposition party, AIADMK, has been waging a fierce battle of words with Karunanidhi on the issue, while the MDMK chief, who is now in prison, has also condemned the DMK in unequivocal terms. Even the Congress is divided on the Lankan Tamils issue because of the LTTE.

Except for a few leaders, almost all of them have taken a firm stance against the Tigers.

CM hits out at Ramadoss

DMK president and Chief Minister M Karunanidhi on Sunday took strong exception to the remarks of PMK founder leader S Ramadoss who had questioned the action of the DMK Government to raise funds for the cause of Lankan Tamils.

In a statement, he wondered how the PMK leader could criticise his action which was intended to help the suffering Tamils in the island nation. He said even the film fraternity had collected Rs 45 lakh for the Lankan Tamils at a fast in the city.

The fund thus raised would be given to the Tamils in Lanka through the International Red Cross and the United Nations’ representative, he said, and added that there was no need to harbour any fear that the money would be directly handed over to the Sri Lankan Government.


PRESS RELEASE I demand that the Union Government probe the end use of the money and other relief materials collected in the name of suffering Sri Lankan Tamils, by the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Mr.Karunanidhi, and as AIADMK leader has warned, the Union Government must ensure that these funds and materials do not end up with the LTTE, an internationally banned terrorist outfit. Most of the suffering Sri Lanka Tamils are presently being held as hostage and a buffer against a Sri Lanka army attack by the LTTE. Hence, India should assist the Sri Lanka government to free these poor helpless Tamils from the clutches of the LTTE and re-settle them in safe camps. The Central Government should also seek the cooperation of Sri Lanka to set up a cohesive Committee of democratically minded and of anti-LTTE commitment those Sri Lankan Tamil personalities who can occupy positions of authority once the Sri Lankan Constitution is amended with the already agreed devolution proposals. Today not one country in the world including Norway is willing to speak up for the LTTE. Many have banned it as a terrorist organisation. Even their "Tamil nationalist hero" Mr. Karunanidhi has to camouflage his support for the LTTE in the name of the suffering Tamils in the island. He does not dare to support openly the LTTE even as he sheds a few tears and pens a poem for their fallen in battle. His call for the ceasefire has been summarily rejected by his own government at the centre. The LTTE's national and global isolation thus is complete and total. Violence in the end does not secure or promote any cause.


If Kalaignar were a Bihari

Aditya Sinha

First Published : 01 Nov 2008 01:38:00 AM IST
Last Updated : 01 Nov 2008 07:32:05 AM IST

Sometimes I wonder: what if Mr Kalaignar was a Bihari. He is, as you know, Tamil Nadu chief minister M Karunanidhi; I am, as regular readers know, an American Bihari.We have something in common: the Shiv Sena. The Sena was born mobilizing unemployed Marathis by demonizing the “Madrasi”. Now that Sena founder Bal Thackeray is close to croaking, his nephew Raj and son Uddhav are wrestling for his political inheritance by demonizing the “Bihari”.

In the way that “Madrasi” encompassed all south Indians during the Sena’s birth, “Bihari” includes everyone from the Gangetic belt. This is confusing. South Indians refer to all north Indians as “Punjabis”, so for the “Madrasi”, are Marathis and Biharis sub-sets of “Punjabis”? And why does the “Madrasi” refer to those from the Northeast (like my wife) as north Indians when “Punjabis” refer to them as “Chinkies”? Should we refer to Kashmiris as “Extremely North Indians”? Since Pakistan is dominated by Punjabis, are they a subset of north Indians too? And since Hema Malini and Sridevi both married Punjabis, are they traitors? But I digress. The attacks on Biharis will likely continue for another year, till the Maharashtra assembly elections are due. In part, this is because both Raj and Uddhav think their incontinent old man is going to pop it sometime soon; he was too “leaky” to travel to election meetings far from his house “Matoshri” in Bandra during the 2004 elections. Their fight for the soul of the Sena means a bit of economy with the truth: the Maharashtra state labour commission apparently says there is no fight for jobs between Marathis and Biharis; Marathis dominate government jobs, Biharis do the low-level stuff, and the private sector (which can’t be regulated through quotas) is dominated by the folks from Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

Could Raj and Uddhav be jumping the gun? After all, their old man is a couple of years younger than our Mr Kalaignar who, Brahmanical Gods willing, will torment India for many years to come. And he hasn’t lost his touch: he recently wrote in the Sena mouthpiece, Samna, that Biharis were “an unwanted lot” in the country, or that the 16 Bihar MPs who have threatened to resign were “spitting into the plate they ate from”. It seems that my wife is not the only one who thinks Biharis are unwanted.

In fact, till my wife and I met, she, like the ULFA, thought all Biharis were either tea garden labourers or rickshaw drivers. In Punjab, at the height of terrorism in the 1980s, extremists used to gun down Bihari migrant workers, though Punjabi entrepreneurs are now trying to woo Biharis back since their own people are too prosperous to do manual farm labour.
In Delhi, Biharis will soon overtake Punjabis as the capital’s largest ethnic group; that the BJP has chosen a Punjabi candidate, V K Malhotra, for CM means the Biharis are likely to vote for Mayawati and thereby split the Congress tally. Even CM Sheila Dixit last year spoke of how “these Biharis” came to Delhi and stayed on.

Even in America. While I grew up, other Indian youngsters used to snort when I revealed I was from Bihar (you’d think that Indians would display more unity living halfway across the globe). Once, feeling demoralized I told my father, and he counseled me to buck up; “Tell them about Bihar’s ancient culture,” he said. “How it was the birthplace of Buddhism, and the centre of the empire of Chandragupta Maurya, the first unifier of India.” In fact,my parents are currently visiting from America; my mother comes annually for Chhath puja, this year on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, the same time as the US presidential elections (anyway they would have split their votes between Obama and McCain). Chhath entails worship of the Sun; it is said to have started in the Mahabharata with Karna, the son of Kunti by the Sun God. Biharis celebrate it wherever they migrate to; in New York, my mother tells me, one of her friends does Chhath on the banks of the Hudson River. Though my mother stopped going to Bihar for Chhath during the lawless years of Laloo Prasad’s reign, she did the puja in Delhi, where I used to live.
In fact, the 16 MPs who were protesting against Raj Thackeray’s behaviour and who demanded a CBI inquiry into the police shooting of an angry young migrant, said they would quit Parliament after Chhath.

My father and I were watching the announcement on TV and I laughed; I further laughed when I saw Raj Thackeray ask his supporters not to disrupt Chhath in Maharashtra.
The resignation threat was as sincere as the recent DMK threat to resign (thereby threatening to pull down the UPA government) in case India did not ensure a ceasefire in Sri Lanka.
But Karunanidhi seems to have had his cake and eat it too. He gets away with his hypocrisy and remains the “champion” of Tamil Eelam, simply because there is nobody else to inherit his mantle (sons Stalin and Azhagiri are no patch on Raj and Uddhav, so Chennai’s Biharis need not worry).

After him, there will be a real crisis of leadership in opposition to Jayalalithaa. If Vaiko or Ramadoss were capable of the top job, they would have somehow got it by now; if they have not, they will never.Vijaykanth does not seem to have any depth, relying for advice on the discards from other parties.

He seems like nothing more than a popular face. Plus, he has no neck.

And if Karunanidhi had roared against the attacks against Biharis,would Raj or Uddhav have had the temerity to tell him to mind his own business, the way they did to Laloo or chief minister Nitish Kumar? Probably not. Of course, Mr Kalaignar takes his alpha-male role too seriously when he throws stones at women, the way his gang did at Jayalalithaa in Madurai on Thursday. His support to Tamil Eelam remains just a lot of lip service, done to ensure his family’s political and business survival, as the coming months may prove. And with Laloo around, Bihar isn’t big enough for two kalaignars.

Last week, my wife scolded me for bragging about my American heritage. I did it because Obama’s words made me proud of that heritage. The USA is lucky to have a leader like him. India’s luck can be gauged by the transcendence of its Thackerays, Laloos, Kalaignars, Amar Singhs, Sonias, Advanis, et al. Our luck is further eroded by the fact that we have a prime minister who is incapable of politically managing this vast land. I don’t buy the theory that at any given time, a chunk of India wants to secede. I think we lack the visionary leaders we had at independence, men and women who forged a nation out of so many peoples.

And if you want to see who’s to blame, you need just look in the mirror!.,%20tamil%20eelam,%20bal%20thackeray